Not too long ago, I was labeled an anachronist during a debate over trends in modern languages. At the time, I was rather amused, given how much time I spend in my professional life fighting to push research techniques into practical use. In reflection, though, his point did have one valid facet: many of the language techniques I bring up often come from variants of older languages even if the languages themselves are much newer (e.g.- multilisp, Cilk, UPC). So, under the auspices of broadening my horizons, I decided to learn Haskell.
I hit google, and after trying out several of tutorials on the language, I found myself extremely frustrated with writers who constantly tried to ignore half of Haskell's features in the name of providing a "simple" picture to the reader. I understand that some of the intended audience doesn't have a programming background, but when the examples are so simplistic that they actually fail to acknowledge that Haskell's type system even exists, I draw the line.
Thankfully, there was an alternative, in the form of a Wikibooks document called "Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours." Naturally, I didn't actually expect it to take 48 hours (though such things have been done), but I'm a big fan of using a non-trivial example program as a learning tool. My history of working in and on various scheme implementations certainly doesn't hurt either; the territory is pretty well-traveled.
As I work my way through the PDF and all of its exercises, I am certainly accumulating my share of quips with Haskell, but what would a real language be without that familiar love-hate relationship? Something tells me that I'll be happy I went through the motions in about 3-6 months. Here's to you, future-me.